Psalm 119:30 says, "The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple."
Isn't that a cool word picture? God's words - written down for us - and they UNFOLD. As they unfold, they give light. Whatever situation we are needing insight on, whatever muck we're swimming in, looking for something or someONE to "shed some light on the situation" - God's Words unfold for us. Bit by bit. Piece by piece. Chomp by chomp. And no matter how many times we unpack the suitcase of His Word, we continue to see NEW things for us there.
Just the other day I was sitting at my Daddy's dining room table when he unfolded his own thoughts on God's Word. "Baby, God and His Word never get old to me. I've studied His Word for so many years now and it's more alive now than it has ever been. I keep seeing new things." Check back with ME when I'm over 80 and I hope to be unpacking the same sentiments.
And besides, this verse says it gives understanding to the SIMPLE! Or as Vance Havner said, "The cookies are on the bottom shelf."
Mmm. Cookies.